Coverage Map

Depending on your internet please give time for the map to load.

The following map is fully interactive. You can move, scroll, and zoom to find your location. All markers represent a broadcast antenna and the circles around that marker represent the ‘estimated’ coverage area. Naturally, coverage areas are only estimated because there are a lot of factors, the quality of your antenna, your elevation, even the weather. For example, we had a report of someone in Pauls Valley with a half way decent antenna that could pick up the Oklahoma City station in the evenings only, but as you can see the coverage on this map doesn’t travel that far.


The relative areas are as follows:

  • Green Circle – K17JN in Enid, Oklahoma – Channel 17
  • Blue Circle – KUOT in Moore, Oklahoma – Channel 19.3
  • Orange Circle – K38GL in Lawton, Oklahoma – Channel 38
  • Red Circle – KCYH in Ardmore, Oklahoma – Channel 41


Don’t forget the biggest impact you can make on your ability to receive these channels is antenna and placement. If you can’t receive a station, consider a better antenna, placed in a higher location. Keep in mind that if you are handy with a few basic tools the best antenna you can install is one that you build yourself.